Archiv článků

Clinical Consensus for Refractive Surgery Journal > /cs/journal/2017/2/7
The document was compiled as a consensual recommended procedure, without the use of the rigorous analytical methods (Delphi method, formal group technique or method RAND/ UCLA/), on which the methodology is nevertheless based. A team of refractive surgeons was chosen by the board of directors of the Czech Society of Refractive and Cataract Surgery (CSRCS) in such a manner as to represent workers f...
Benefits and Negatives of Corticosteroid Therapy in Corneal Patients Journal > /cs/journal/2017/2/6
Introduction: Corticosteroid therapy is very beneficial in many types of eye diseases. Corticosteroids are used in the treatment of inflammatory and immunological diseases of the eye. Purpose: The aim is to present basic informations about effects of steroids in tissues, their side effects and treatment strategy. Methods and results: Authors process overview of local and systemic steroids and thei...
Combination of intravitreal corticosteroid with anti-VEGF in macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion Journal > /cs/journal/2017/5%2B6/3
Purpose: functioal and anatomical results afer combinationof intravitreal dexamethasone implant with anti-VGF bevacizumab in macular edema secondary to retinal ein occlusion. Methods: Retrospectie analysis of 50 patints, average age 72 years, 15 men and 35 women. Inclusion criteria for treatment were retinalvein occlusion, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) more than 20/200 and macular edema more...
Treatment results in patients with lymphoma disease in the orbital region Journal > /cs/journal/2017/5%2B6/7
Introduction: Lymphoma is a malignant disease that can affect several structures of the orbit and eye adnexa. In the area of orbit the non-Hodgkin‘s lymphoma (NHL) is typical, which may be indolent or aggressive. Indolent subtypes include MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue), follicular lymphoma (FL), lymphoplasmocytic lymphoma (LPL). Conversely, subtypes such as diffuse large cell lymphoma (D...
Recommended procedure for eye examination for infants and children of pre-school age in regular outpatient practice Journal > /cs/journal/2017/5%2B6/10
Vision or visual perception is a complex function of the visual analyser on all of its levels, i.e. the eye, ocular pathway and brain's visual processing centres, including the association areas. Visual acuity is only one of several parameters of vision. Others are e.g. the visual field, colour perception, contrast sensitivity, adaptation to light and darkness and spatial vision. Even for an exper...
Possibilities od in vivo corneal confocal microscopy of corneal nerves in diabetes Journal > /cs/journal/2017/4/6
In vivo corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) represents a new, non-invasive, rapidly developing corneal examination technique that enables individual layers of the cornea to be displayed at the cellular level. The cornea is the translucent and at the same time the most innervated tissue of the human body. Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). A close correlatio...
Femtosecond laser - Assisted intrastromal corneal segment implantation – our experience Journal > /cs/journal/2018/1/5-1-2018
Introduction: The intrastromal corneal ring segments implantation is widely used as an effective method for keratoconus correction. Femtosecond laser technology represents very precise and modern approach in corneal tunnel creation. Nevertheless complication like an extrusion of the implanted ring segment rarely appears. There are few different types of intrastromal corneal segments available. Ker...
Change of central and peripheral vision in patient with symptomatic cyst of Rathke's cleft following transsphenoidal resection Journal > /cs/journal/2018/2/5
A seventysix-year-old female was acutely admitted to the Eye Clinic of the University Hospital in Martin with a 1 month history of impaired central and peripheral vision on the right eye. At the admission patient`s right eye VA was fingers at 20 cm, the left eye had a central vision preserved. Magnetic resonance of the brain and orbits demonstrated cystic tumor expansion in the sellar region with ...
One-Day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery Journal > /cs/journal/2015/1/1
Introduction: Effectiveness Evaluation of One-Day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery (SBCS) Comparing to the Cataract Surgery Performed on Each Eye Separately After a Lapse of Time Material and Methods: The cohort of 100 patients (200 eyes) consisted of two groups: In the Group1, there were 50 patients (100 eyes) who underwent One-day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery (SBCS). The Group ...
Conjunctvial lesions - The Relationship of Papillomas and Sguamous Cell Carcinoma to the HPV Infection Journal > /cs/journal/2018/3/2
INTRODUCTION: The etiology of papilloma formation is multifactorial. There is a strong association between human papillomavirus (HPV) and the development of these conjunctival lesions. HPV is tumorigenic and commonly produces benign tumors with low malignant potential. Papillomas rarely go through malignant transformation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective study of patients with a diagnosis of c...
Congentinal Central Toxoplasma Chorioretinitis - Case Study Journal > /cs/journal/2018/3/6
Congenital toxoplasmosis is a globally spread infectious disease caused by transplacental transmission of an intracellular parasitic protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. The infection can cause serious multi-organ complications, and in the case of vertical transmission, can lead up to fetal death – depending on the stage of pregnancy at the time of infection and the overall condition of the mother’s immun...
Keratopigmentation (Corneal Tattoo) - Our First Experience Journal > /cs/journal/2018/4/3
Introduction: Keratopigmentation or corneal tattooing represents an unique cosmetic solution for corneal leucomas and also for other pathological changes affecting cornea oriris. Procedure is based on pigment insertion into the corneal stroma. Goal is to improve the appearance of the affected eye. These days are most frequently used tattoo kits with different sterilised inks made primary for skin ...
Screening, Treatment and Long-term Observation of Retinopathy of Prematurely Born Children in the Czech Republic Journal > /cs/journal/2018/6/7
Guidelines for treatment of ROP, recommended procedure of the Czech Society for Children's Ophthalmology and Strabology (CSCOS) under the patronage of the Czech Ophthalmology Society (COS) ...
Radiation Maculopathy in Patients with Malignant Melanoma of the Corpus Ciliare and Choroidea Following One-Day Session of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Journal > /cs/journal/2019/1/1
Introduction: Nowadays radiotherapy is the standard treatment care for patients with uveal melanoma. In Slovakia the only one option is a one-day session stereotactic radiosurgery at linear accelerator LINAC. Irradiation of surrounding tissues of the eye and orbit causes radiation complications. One of the most serious and vision-threatening is the radiation retinopathy, which divides into maculop...
Use of Shear Wave Elastography in Diagnosing Changes to the Oculomotor Muscles in Patients with Endocrine Orbitopathy Journal > /cs/journal/2019/1/2
Background: Shear wave elastography (SWE) is an imaging modality using advantage of ultrasound to detect differences of elastic properties (mechanical rigidity) of tissues. SWE increasingly develops across medical specialities and is already used in hematology, urology and oncology. In the field of ophthalmology using SWE to evaluate corneal mechanical properties, peripapillary biomechanical quali...
Treatment of Idiopathic Choroidal Neovascular Membrane with Ranibizumab - Our Experience Journal > /cs/journal/2019/1/3
Objective: To evaluate the anatomical and functional outcome of ranibizumab therapy in patients with idiopathic choroidal neovascularization (CNV).  File and Methodology: The group consists of 6 patients. Patients were older 18 years but they were under 50 years of age. The monitoring period lasted 12 months. We confirmed active idiopathic CNV in subfoveal position with fluorescein angiography (FA...
Late Postoperative Capsular Bag Distension Syndrome Journal > /cs/journal/2019/1/6
Purpose: Capsular bag distension syndrome is to be seen as a relatively rare complication after cataract surgery. Materials and Methods: We describe our experience of late-onset capsular bag distension syndrome with one case onset 4 years after cataract surgery. Nowadays diagnostic imaging methods were used. The literature was reviewed to summarize the diagnosis, classification, use of diagnostic ...
The Effect of Botulinum TOxin Application if Neuro-Ophthalmological Indications on the Results of Schirmer’s Test and Tear Osmolarity Journal > /cs/journal/2019/2/3
Botulinum toxin type A (BT-A) is used in the treatment of neuroophthalmologic disorders such as essential blepharospasm and facial hemispasm for more than 20 years. Although the long-term effect of repeated application of the BT-A was confirmed, the BT-A effect on tears production and retention is not clear. In our work we investigated whether applied BT-A in patients with blepharospasm and hemifa...
Pupillary Abnormalities in Childhood – 2 Case Presentations Journal > /cs/journal/2019/3/5
Anisocoria is a condition characterized by an unequal size of the eyes’ pupils. There is a broad spectrum of aetiological factors including benign and also life- threatening situations. The most important point is the ability to find the anatomical location of the pathology. Understanding to the anatomical, physiological and pharmacological influences helps us to solve the diagnostic challenge. In...
Late Postoperative Opacification of a Hydrophobic Acrylic Intraocular Lens AcryNovaTM PC 610Y Journal > /cs/journal/2019/4/1
Purpose: To report late postoperative opacification of a hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens (IOL) AcryNovaTMPC 610Y as well as the clinical consequences in patients 10 years after uncomplicated cataract surgery. Materials and Methods: Medical records were reviewed of 23 patients (26 eyes) with AcryNovaTMPC 610Y implantated between years 2005 and 2007. Next clinical examination was performed 10 y...
Molecular Genetic Cause of Achromatopsia in Two Patients of Czech Origin Journal > /cs/journal/2019/5/5
Introduction: Achromatopsia is an autosomal recessive retinal disorder with an estimated prevalence ranging from 1 in 30.000 to 50.000. The disease is caused by mutations in six different genes. The aim of the study was to perform molecular genetic analysis in 11 unrelated probands with a clinical diagnosis of achromatopsia and to describe clinical findings in those that were found to carry bialle...
Innovative Strategies for Treating Retinal Diseases Journal > /cs/journal/2019/6/1
Objective: The aim of this comprehensive paper is to acquaint the readers with innovative approaches in the treatment of retinal diseases, which could in the coming years to get into clinical practice. Retinal prostheses, retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) transplantation, gene therapy and optogenetics will be described in this paper.Methodology: Describing the basic characteristics and mechanisms o...
Current Use of Automatic Retinal Oximetry – a Review Journal > /cs/journal/2020/1/1
Purpose: To inform about possible use of the automatic retinal oximetry for the retinal oxygen saturation measurement in the eye and systemic diseases. Methods: We performed a literature review dealing with issues of retinal oxygen saturation monitoring by dual non-invasive retinal oximetry Oxymap T1 (Oxymap ehf. Reykjavík, Iceland). Results: We have found two main strains writing our paper on ret...
Enucleation After Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Patients With Uveal Melanoma Journal > /cs/journal/2020/1/6
Introduction: In the past enucleation was the treatment of choice for all the patients with uveal melanoma. Nowadays, we prefer glope-sparing treatment modalities, except for large tumors, tumors with extrascleral extension and painful blind eyes. Most of the patients perform radiotherapy or local resection techniques. In Slovak Republic, the only one possibility is a stereotactic radiotherapy on ...
Visual Training in Virtual Reality in Adult Patients With Anisometric Amblyopia Journal > /cs/journal/2020/1/3
Purpose: Amblyopia is one of the most common childhood disease. The average prevalence of amblyopia in children is estimated at 2-5 %. It arises during the child development until the age of six, if not treated then, it persist throught adulthood. The aim of our work is to retrospectively analyze the results of treatment of anisometropic amblyopia using dichoptical training in virtual reality in a...
The Importance of Pet/Ct Examination in Patients With Malignant Uveal Melanoma Journal > /cs/journal/2020/1/5
Introduction: Diagnostic and therapeutic management of the patient with malignant uveal melanoma (MMU) is subject to ongoing efforts to innovate. PET/CT (Positron Emission Tomography / Computed Tomography) examination is important in both diagnosis and metastases. Material and methods: Evaluation of the importance of PET/CT examination in the group of patients diagnosed with MMU in the period 12.1...
Recommendations for the Management of Uveitis Associated with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: The Czech and Slovak Adaptation of the Share Initiative Journal > /cs/journal/2020/4/6
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common rheumatic disease in children and uveitis is its most important extra-articular manifestation. Evidence-based recommendations are available only to a limited extent and therefore JIA associated uveitis management is mostly based on physicians’ experience. Consequently, treatment practices differ widely, both nationally and internationally. The...
Non-Arteritic Anterior Ischaemic Optic Neuropathy: Treatment and Risk Factors Journal > /cs/journal/2020/2/4
Aim: To ascertain whether various therapeutic procedures in non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAION) have an impact on the resulting visual acuity of the affected eye. To assess the prevalence of risk factors that accompany this disease according to the literature. Methods: The retrospective study enrolled 55 eyes of 53 patients (41 men, 12 women) with an age range of 46 to 85 yea...
External Ophthalmomyiasis Caused by Oestrus Ovis (A Case Report) Journal > /cs/journal/2020/3/5
The work deals with atypical conjunctival infection of Czech patient with Oestrus ovis larvae. Ophthalmomyiasis is infestation of mammalian eyes by the larvae or worms of some flies. The most common cause of human myiasis is the Sheep. Shepherds are infected in habitats, but human eye disease outside the areas of abundant hamsters is rare. We describe a case of eye disease in a middle-aged man fro...
Dry Eyes Disease. A review Journal > /cs/journal/2021/3/1
This article provides a comprehensive view of the issue of dry eye. It emphasizes provisions of the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society, discusses the new classification and definition of dry eye based on its pathophysiology, and emphasizes the correct diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, which appears in the form of algorithms.Dry eye is a multifactorial disease of the ocular surface character...
Transscleral Diode Cyclophotocoagulation in Treatment of Glaucoma Journal > /cs/journal/2020/5/6
Aim: To assess efficiency and safety of diode cyclophotocoagulation (CPC). Methods: Retrospective study included 81 eyes with advanced glaucoma operated with CPC for elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) from January 2017 to January 2019. CPC was performed in retrobulbar anesthesia with contact diode laser FOX (A.R.C. Laser, Germany) of wavelength 810 nm, transsclerally to the ciliary body. Energy s...
Amniotic Membrane Transplantation at the Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Brno Journal > /cs/journal/2021/2/2
Background: The aim of the work is a discussion of amniotic membrane transplantation at the Eye Clinic of the University Hospital Brno and a retrospective evaluation of a group of patients for the period 2014–2019 who were treated for various indications. Methods: Retrospective evaluation of the number and effectiveness of individual types of amniotic membrane in a group of patients after amniotic...
New Diagnostic Imaging Technique – Shear Wave Elastography Journal > /cs/journal/2016/4/1
Shear wave elastography (SWE) is a new non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique, that maps the elastic properties of tissues. Nowadays this modality develops increasingly in medicine across its disciplines and opens a new era of high-quality ultrasound examination because it increases the specificity and thus improves diagnostic assurance. This method is similar to manual palpation, shows elastic...
Ocular Surface Evaluation in Patients Treated With Prostaglandin Analogues Considering Preservative Agent Journal > /cs/journal/2016/4/3
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the ocular surface in patients treated with prostaglandin analogues considering contained preservative agent. Methods: 60 patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension treated with prostaglandin analogue monotherapy were enrolled in this observational study. 20 patients with glaucoma suspect or ocular hypertension without local or systemic glaucoma me...
Intraocular Lymphoma with Retrobulbar Infiltration. A Case Report Journal > /cs/journal/2021/6/6
Subjective and objective symptoms following intraocular lymphoma could lead to a misdiagnosing at the beginning of disease what is the cause for delay of an effective treatment. The most common manifestation of lymphoma is an inflammatory disease affecting uvea. A multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis is required. Suspicion based on the ophthalmologic examinations has to be verified by histo...
Evaluation of The Demarcation Line in The Corneal Stroma after Accelerated Corneal Cross-Linking Using Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Journal > /cs/journal/2022/3/3
Objectives: Evaluation of the visibility and depth of the demarcation line in the corneal stroma in eyes with keratoconus 1 month and 3 months after epi-off accelerated corneal cross-linking (ACXL) using Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS OCT). Material and Methods: This study analyses a group of 34 eyes with keratoconus 1 month and 3 months after ACXL (9 mW/cm2 for 10 min). The gro...
Determination of Factors Associated With Long-Term Endothelial Loss and Refractive Result in Patients With Artisan Phakic Lens Journal > /cs/journal/2022/4/4
Purpose: To determine the changes in endothelial cell density, refractive results, and risk factors associated with endothelial loss in patients with iris-claw phakic intraocular lenses for myopia/myopic astigmatism (Artisan). Methodology: Data collection was obtained from an existing database with information on patients with a phakic Artisan lens implant between 1998 and 2011 at the Virgilio Gal...
One-Day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery Journal > /cs/journal/2015/2/1
Introduction: Effectiveness Evaluation of One-Day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery (SBCS) Comparing to the Cataract Surgery Performed on Each Eye Separately After a Lapse of Time Material and Methods: The cohort of 100 patients (200 eyes) consisted of two groups: In the Group1, there were 50 patients (100 eyes) who underwent One-day Simultaneous Bilateral Cataract Surgery (SBCS). The Group ...
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Orbit in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy – Experience from Practice. A Review Journal > /cs/journal/2023/6/1
The purpose is to acquaint readers with the contribution of imaging methods (IMs) of the orbit, specifically computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in the diagnosis of thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO). Methods: IMs of the orbit are an indispensable accessory in the clinical and laboratory examination of TAO patients. The most frequently used and probably most accessible...
Ultrasound Examination of the Orbit in Patients With Thyroid- Associated Orbitopathy – Examination Guide and Recommendations for Everyday Practice. A Review Journal > /cs/journal/2024/1/1
The purpose of this study is to present the possibilities and benefits of ultrasonography (US) of the orbit in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO). Methods: US examination of the orbit is an essential addition to clinical and laboratory examination in TAO patients. Nevertheless, it is often neglected in clinical practice or indicated with delay. Based on previously ...
Effect of Acute Hydrogen-Rich Water Intake on Intraocular Pressure in Healthy Subjects Journal > /cs/journal/2023/4/3
Purposes: The primary aim of the study was to assess the response of intraocular pressure (IOP) to the acute ingestion of hydrogen-rich water (HRW) compared to hydrogen-free water (placebo) in healthy subjects. The effect of HRW intake on central corneal thickness (CCT) was also monitored. Subjects and Methods: Twenty-four healthy volunteers (5 men, 19 women) aged between 20 and 33 were included i...
Acute Keratouveitis with Corneal Graft Melting as a Late Complication of Mild Chemical Burn Potentially Associated with Covid-19 Infection: A Case Report Journal > /cs/journal/2023/4/5
Chemical burns are sight-threatening injuries that require immediate management. The main goal of the initial treatment is prompt and copious irrigation to neutralize and eliminate the chemical, followed by various therapeutic options (conservative and surgical) according to the individual patient’s postinjury findings. Purpose: In this case report, we describe the course and treatment of a patien...
Comparison of Three Methods of Tonometry in Patients With Inactive Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy Journal > /cs/journal/2023/6/5
Introduction: Intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement in patients with thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO) can be difficult and misleading, particularly in patients with diplopia and eye deviation (esotropia or hypotropia). However, when measuring IOP, it is also necessary to pay sufficient attention to TAO patients without diplopia in primary gaze direction and without motility disorder that migh...
Diagnostic Importance of Oct Pachymetry in Keratoconus Journal > /cs/journal/2024/1/4
Purpose: To evaluate the value of AS OCT pachymetry as a method capable of detecting early differences between keratoconus, latent keratoconus and corneal astigmatism based on measurements of the parameters of corneal epithelial thickness and total corneal thickness. Methods: This study analyzed 162 eyes of 89 patients examined with a Zeiss Cirrus 500 Anterior Segment Premier Module. OCT Pachymetr...
Improvement of Visual Field Defects after Neuroembolization Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms. Case Reports Journal > /cs/journal/2024/1/6
Purpose: Intracranial aneurysms and their hemorrhagic and thromboembolic complications represent a serious nosological unit that significantly endangers those afflicted. They are mostly asymptomatic until rupture occurs. In two case reports, we present our observations of young patients with impaired vision and headaches, in whom we found the presence of intracranial aneurysms. Observations: Prese...
Evaluation of Clinical Results of Implantation of Toric Intraocular Lenses Including their Rotational Stability Journal > /cs/journal/2024/3/4
Purpose: The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical results of the implantation of the toric intraocular lens Acrysof IQ Toric SN6AT3_8 (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX, USA), including an evaluation of its rotational stability. Material and methods: 30 eyes of 16 patients (4 males, 12 females; mean age 68 years) with regular corneal astigmatism ranging from -1.5 to -4.0 Dcyl were ...
Retinal Changes in Patients With Covid-19 and Different Expressiveness of Metabolic Changes Journal > /cs/journal/2024/3/5
Aims: To study the relationship between the severity of COVID-induced metabolic changes and the structure and frequency of retinal changes, according to funduscopy data in patients with different clinical courses of COVID-19. Materials and methods: 117 patients with COVID-19 were examined. While examining patients, severity of the course of COVID-19, the expressiveness of changes in the metabolic ...
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on The Quality of Examinationi Eye Clinics in the Czech Republic – Questionnaire Study Journal > /cs/journal/2024/2/5
Purpose: The aim of the study was to map the behavior of ophthalmologists regarding protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus disease 2019), both during the time of the mandatory restrictive measures and after their relaxation. Another aim was to evaluate the awareness of ophthalmologists in the Czech Republic about the possible impact of nose and mouth protective measures (ma...
Outcomes of 25-Gauge Pars Plana Vitrectomy in the Treatment of Idiopathic Macular Hole Journal > /cs/journal/2024/4/5
Aim: The main aim of this study is to evaluate the anatomical and functional results of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with peeling of the internal limiting membrane (ILM), membrane blue staining and subsequent expansile gas tamponade (perfluoropropane) in the treatment of idiopathic macular hole (IMH). Material and methods: The retrospective analysis consisted of 100 eyes of a total of 100 patients ...
Correct Replacement of Calcified Hydrophilic Intraocular Lens Lentis M+ LS-313 MF30. A Case Report Journal > /cs/journal/2024/3/6
The aim of the thesis is to present the case of a patient in whom bilateral calcification of the hydrophilic intraocular lens (IOL) Lentis M+ LS-313 MF30 (Oculentis) has developed. Due to the negative effect on visual functions, explantation and replacement of the artificial lens was necessary in both eyes. Case Report: An overview of the available literature summarized the diagnostics, current ex...