2019 - 2 Issue

Case report

Peripheral Exudative Heamorrhagic Chorioretinopathy

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Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy (PEHCR) is relatively rare and especially less known and therefore less often diagnosed condition of the retina periphery predominantly in patients of higher age. Usually temporal periphery is affected. The finding is bilateral in approximately 30 %. Clinically it manifests by multibulbar prominences in periphery, which can sometimes resemble choroidal melanoma. It concerns exudations and hemorrhages under retina (sub-retinal) or under retinal pigment epithelium (sub-RPE). Within weeks or months hemorrhagy is resorbed and flattened and chorioretinal atrophy of various grade remains in affected area, sometimes combined with retinal fibrosis. If the affected area remains limited to the periphery, the central visual acuity does not have to be reduced. Affection is considered to be peripheral form of wet age-related macular degeneration or peripheral form of idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. By differential diagnosis is necessary to exclude especially malignant choroidal melanoma and choroidal detachment.

Case report: Own case of 83 years old patient with bilateral PEHCR is described and photo documented. Creation of new prominence - fresh bleeding under retina and RPE in superior periphery – had been captured. Photo documentation of lesion in early stage and in stage of resorbtion after several weeks. Affected areas remained limited to periphery and did not have influence on central vision. That was influenced by degeneration of macula and vitreomacular traction syndrome with distinct epiretinal membrane.

Conclusion: PEHCR is less frequent or less diagnosed condition of the retina periphery in old patients. Ongoing exudation and sub-retinal or sub-RPE bleeding. Within weeks heals with chorioretinal scars and subretinal fibrosis. Central vision does not have to be damaged, if lesions do not spread to macula.