
Assessment of Corneal Endothelial Layer in Contact Lens Wearers with the Aid of an Endothelial Microscope Journal > /en/journal/2022/6/4
Aims: The main aim of our study was to demonstrate the difference in endothelial cell density between a group of keratoconus contact lens users and non-contact lens users (without keratoconus). Material and methods: In our study we had data from 96 subjects with an average age of 40.5 ±14.05 years. For the purposes of our study, we worked with each eye separately for each subject (n = 192). Kerato...
The Effect of Heterophoria on the Size of Distance and Near Fusion Vergence Journal > /en/journal/2024/1/3
Aims: To demonstrate changes in distance and near fusional vergence measured with prism bars, while compensating for present heterophoria using current ametropia correction. In addition, to determine the differences in values of the AC/A ratio determined by the heterophoric (calculation) and gradient methods. Material and methods: The basic sample includes 19 subjects with a mean age of 21.5 ±3.0 ...
The Relationship Between Retinal Nerve Fiber Thickness and Retinal Functional Sensitivity During Oct and Static Perimeter Examinations Journal > /en/journal/2025/2/5
Aims: To demonstrate the relationship of dependency between the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer and the functional sensitivity of the retina in healthy young individuals. We also secondarily investigated the relationship between refractive error and mean retinal thickness in the macula. Material and methods: The basic cohort contained 30 subjects with an average age of 23.4 ±4.2 years. ...