
Xerosis in patient with vitamin a deficiency Journal > /en/journal/2017/5+6/9
Xerosis is a corneal and ocular surface disease caused by vitamin A deficiency. It is a rare disease in developed countries, but in third world countries it is a common cause of blindness. We describe a typical xerosis in patient with vitamin A deficiency and long-term malnutrition and alcoholism in our case. In spite of initially serious presentation of the disease, the patient’s response to trea...
Trauma in Oculoplastic Surgery A Review Journal > /en/journal/2020/3/1
The aim of this article is to present the basics of traumatology in oculoplastic surgery and to review the literature about this topic. This review sums up the problematic of injuries of the eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit. The most important types of trauma, their treatment options, and the most common complications are described. In majority of oculoplastic traumas, surgical reconstruction is ...
Effect of baseline central retinal thickness on the results of treatment of diabetic macular edema with aflibercept: Real-Life Evidence in the Czech Republic Journal > /en/journal/2022/2/3
Aim: Presentation of the 1-year results of aflibercept treatment in patients suffering from diabetic macular edema (DME) and comparison of the response to treatment of patients with different baseline central retinal thickness (CRT). Methods: This was a multicentre, retrospective observational study of a series of cases. Patients with DME were treated in a fixed regimen (5 injections at 1-monthly ...
Kaposi’s Sarcoma. A Case Report Journal > /en/journal/2024/2/6
Aim: The aim of this case report is to present the case of a patient with iatrogenic Kaposi’s sarcoma afflicting several organs, ocular manifestation. Case report: In a 74-year-old kidney transplant patient receiving immunosuppressive therapy, iatrogenic Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) developed in both lower eyelids. Subsequently, KS was confirmed in the region of the left forearm, with suspicion of lesion...
Evaluation of Optic Disc Drusen Using Modern Imaging Paraclinical Methods Journal > /en/journal/2024/6/5
Purpose: To analyze patients with optic disc drusen (ODD), with emphasis on modern diagnostics. Materials and Methods: Research of the literature was conducted, together with a retrospective statistical analysis of patients with ODD. The group included individuals with ODD diagnosed using at least one of the following (ultrasound – USG, optical coherence tomography – OCT, fundus autofluorescence –...